Welcome to our Adults Foundation Dance Classes
Introducing the concept of breaking down various techniques of Indian Bollywood dance over a timeframe of 12 weeks. These classes are highly beneficial for beginners and for anyone who is trying to get more comfortable dancing in social settings. Our goal is to introduce several foundation aspects and most importantly make it fun and enjoyable to learn.
The performance of all attendees will be constantly monitored and feedback will be provided to help you get better.
Our sessions are semi-choreography based and we are focused on specific dance movements that are essential to building a strong foundation to strengthen your form. Each session is 55 minutes long, one session per week.
We have two levels of Foundation classes Beginner & Intermediate
We reserve the right to adjust the class size and choreography as necessary, based on circumstances and what is in the best interest of the overall class development. If you have any specific questions regarding these classes please email us at info@dancewithandaaz.com
Enrollment closes on April 3rd ,2025
We will enroll students on a first come first serve basis. Full payment must be made for registration to be complete. The above price covers all 12 weeks and NO refunds will be issued. NO Makeup classes will be provided if you miss a particular class.
(Once the enrollments are full we will add you to a waiting list and let you know when we start another batch, Please don't forget to register in order to be on the waiting list)
Click Register to enroll into our 12-week Beginner & Intermediate class which starts April 16th & 17th, 2025.
If you have further questions email us at info@dancewithandaaz.com